English Literature Students and Lecturers Engage in Open Dialogue at ConversAELS

The English Literature Study Program at AELS UNESA hosted "ConversAELS (Open Dialogue)_2024" on May 27th, 2024, providing a platform for students and lecturers to engage in a productive dialogue. The event, held in Auditorium T2 from 8:00 AM to 12:00 WIB, aimed to create a space for students to voice their aspirations for their academic journey and to evaluate the quality of the English Literature program itself.
This student-driven event fostered an open dialogue between students and faculty members. Students were encouraged to express their goals and expectations for their studies in English Literature. The lecturers, in turn, provided valuable insights and guidance, ensuring that the program aligns with the aspirations of its students.
The discussions at ConversAELS (Open Dialogue)_2024 are expected to be instrumental in shaping the future of the English Literature program at AELS UNESA. By understanding the aspirations of their students, the program faculty can ensure that the curriculum and learning experience continue to meet the evolving needs of future generations of English Literature graduates.