Participating in the internship program at Harian Disway is an invaluable opportunity for the State University of Surabaya's students, especially to the Undergraduate English Literature ones. This isn’t just about gaining academic credits—itâ€
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Dean of the Faculty of Languages and Arts, Syaif'ul Anam, expressed his appreciation for the ongoing collaboration with the Regional English Language Office (RELO), this time in the English Language Fellow (ELF) program at Uni
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On June 12, 2024, State University of Surabaya and Ma Chung University collaboratively hosted a guest lecture on "Ecocriticism in Literature." The event featured Dr. Ali Mustofa, S.S., M.Pd. who explored the relationship between literature and env
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In an inspiring collaboration, students from the English Education and English Literature Programs at Unesa joined forces with their counterparts from the Indonesian Naval Academy for a captivating Joint English Conversation (JEC) session at Labsa
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Launching National Center for ELT Material Development (NCELTMAD) by English Department Unesa in collaboration with University of York
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